She went missing during a group therapy session, and from what I understand, there was a lapse in supervision at that time. It seems that the staff was overwhelmed, which made it easier for her to slip away unnoticed. This raises serious questions about the safety protocols in place at the hospital.
Are you a crazy person? Devon disappeared when they were preparing to send her home after the hospital shut. Thats not new information. It was published back when all of this happened.
That’s not what I heard, I heard it was during therapy.
There was no group therapy. Everything had been shut. The hospital had been shut down because of the abuse and stuff. Why would they be having group therapy sessions when most of the other patients had been relocated?
Thank you. @Anon-5 you mus have read some of the super earlier stuff because once they started looking into it, that was debunked.
@Anon-7 yes.
Regardless of the specifics, it feels like a major failure on the part of the institution. How could they allow a child to go missing during such a vulnerable time? It’ss shocking that there wasn’t a system in place to prevent this.
It was a failure.
Serious f*ck up.
The police report said she was last seen around 3 PM by her therapist. There was a short time between when she was seen and when they noticed she was missing.
It was an hour, I think.
@Anon-64, yea it was something like that. They were preparing her for leaving.
I’ve heard conflicting reports, though. Some say it was a nurse who last saw her, others not. Like let’s not depend solely on what the therapist said. It’s clear they did a lot of stuff wrong.
Whoever it was, the fact that it took half an hour to notice she is concerning.
They were doing stuff. Yes, they were a shitty staff, but they had a bunch of stuff to coordinate. There focus shouldn’t need to be on one girl.
@Anon-56 *their
I don’t know if it’s super significant who saw her last. The therapist or a nurse there should have been clear protocols to ensure that everone was accounted for. This lack of accountability is alarming.
@Anon-42 of course its significant. If we knew who the last person who saw her was maybe we could get some answers.
What @Anon-15 said!
Why don’t the authorities have these answers?
They might.
We have not been able to verify who the last person to see her was as we don’t know have access to state or federal notes on the case.
Sounds like the job for a good hacker haha
There have been no sightings, duh.
I guess it really depends on who you mean @Anon-31. There have been sightings of Shaw even if they’ve never caught him.
Sorry, is this a site dedicated to finding Carter Shaw.
It is not.
Are you people so closed minded that you don’t think finding one could find the other? Do you not think the disappearances are related?
We’re on a truecrime message board. Of course, we think they’re related.
@Anon-31 haha, right.
So, a sighting of Shaw could be the key to finding out what happened to Devon. Sure, they’re likely not together, I think we can all assume that Devon is probably dead, but Shaw probably knows what happened to her.
Okay @Anon-56, you’re not wrong.
agree / agre / agree. Shaw knows something. If they didnn’t why the hell would they have just disappeared.
When was the last Shaw sighting? Does anyone know?
Last time for sure? Apr of 1999 after being interviewed by the FBI. There have been some more sightings in Southwest but those cannot be verified.
That fuckin guy needs to be found. He knows something.
We don’t disagree, we just can’t verify any sightings after the FBI conversation.
Let’s fucking find them!
(pitchforks out) YESSSSSS
(grabs torch)
who knows how to do facial recognition???
Somone on here knows
So, Devon was only there a few months?
Yep, got there October 14.
Shit, that all went down fast. Why dd her parents even send her to the place if it was shady?
They clearly didn’t know it was. The accusations didn’t come out til right before xmas 98
Merry fuckin Christmas
@Anon-33 right?
oh shit! Hi C
Was anything happening with Devon specifically during that time?
We have not found anything indicating that there was.
So she just went missing. There had to be something.
Yea, there probbly was. We just don’t know what is was.
Since most of the people Dvon interated with were minors, non of their statements have been released.
@Anon-54 not even with their names redacted?
nothing I’ve found has had any info
This case, ugh
so frustrating
so we have no way of knowing what her movements were, or like what was goin on prior to the disapperaence because the only people who could know are anonymous
@Anon-56 pretty much
they’re not minors anymore tho
64- true but we still don’t have their names
hackers, hackers where are you
is there any way to unseal their identities
why would any judge do that
its hard enough to unseal juvi records, good luck with records from a mental institution
it likely would be privalaged
@Anon-64 without just cause
@Anon-37 is that all you can add to the conversation
I’d say theres cause but its not easy to convisnce a judge of that
maybe the FBI would have more luck
the feds aint find anything or at least if they did they have nt said
fuckin clowns